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Posted by: admin | on September 1, 2017
Play to Win – Not Play To Lose

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Welcome to with Wael – the ultimate show.
Your fire of desire. It’s part of your mindset
you are the one
who brought your fire up or what YOU FOR done. I have been around for so long and I have been seeing so many different individuals who will decide to move in a way or another.
And once they make a decision. They are the one who doubt their decision to move back and move forward. Their desires to win is function of how much they want to go against fear we call it play NOT to lose
only play to win and there is also another play. Which is you play not to lose? or you play to win. The play to when it’s an action which are programmed in your brain when you start to when you don’t look at obstacles you don’t look at barriers you don’t look at what can hold you back. You figure out you find a way you can move forward take actions and move outside your comfort zone under start to be vulnerable exposed.
Maybe scared but not feared. So you don’t have a fear
If you play too when it’s a long tour is a long term play. When people do play to win. They were actually takes all the challenges and move forward. And there’s no outcome other than winning. Today I had won I had to play to when I did what this take. So I can get my issues told in the way I would like I started first by defining what’s my winning and then I figure out a strategy to achieve this winning the question is did you think that I was a nice guy. Definitely in the view of others. I was not the nice guy.
I was the guy who was aggressively trying to achieve an actual And I was the guy I was pushing pushing forward in a every single way without any doubt in my life that I should be able to achieve this particular winning status. When you play to when it’s a mentality which make you.
I want to be frank with you if I have to reduce friends you can lows. Because they are not really your friends they are just friends to keep you back with them so they are not very looking forward for you to when you can lose friends you can lose lovers you can lose family members because the minute everybody will show. Uncomforted, you are moving forward. They try to pull you back.
The reason for them to believe is the reason for them to feel comfort when you play too when it’s an attitude. It’s a mindset. It’s your brain which Bush you forward towards the big game for the big play towards a big win. And isn’t dark. It’s reality. When I play not to lose. It’s a different mindset. It’s a mindset where how to make it safe. How to walk away with the least amount of losses.
Not the maximum when I can have I can ship share with you. Few strategies and few techniques and several stories hundreds of stories or a decision to play not to lose. It’s a sign of people life because I would say I’m comfort where I am I don’t want to play to when I don’t want to ask it. I don’t want to be persistent. I don’t want to push hard. I don’t want to get outside my comfort zone. I would like to just to win. At a level which is limited. I call it limited when. I play not to lose
it’s deadly approach. I would never recommend anybody try to play not to lose play not to lose the alternative of losing playing not to lose is to try to compromise. What you want to do. So you don’t lose what you want to do. Play not to lose it’s a way that you don’t achieve you don’t push hard you don’t push forward. And what will happen after that. as you try to make it safe your mindset is are not to lose. It’s a mindset what you give you in a status coat. Let me give you an example
if you are doing good in your life and you work and suddenly you can you have the opportunity of doing some other something else. I.E. they let you go. They ask you not to come here again. So the question now is you want to play to win or you want to play to lose majority of us will say oh yeah let’s wait till we get similar job or different places because we don’t want to lose our. Experience. Very few of us will say no, I want to play to win.
I want to move forward to be able to push more and to push hard. So I can change what I was doing in order to win in my life. So you have to define Also when it in your life winning in your life. It’s a different nation. Which you have to sit and figure it out first. Do you when when you can be your belt or do you when when you achieve specific status. Do you when when you have a high risk life not stable income was a potential of very high return or do you when when you have a stable life and it just goes out like a government based employee who basically get what they get to go to do what they do and that’s it. And these are life. Several individuals I meet on a regular basis. Now that they want to play not to lose they want to play it safe. They want to wait.
They want to live on employment insurance and different source of social income so they don’t change what they have been doing because they’re afraid. They’re afraid. If they when they wouldn’t do they wouldn’t know what to do. I and particularly this an individual and as you know I don’t like to break the confidentiality and density of some people close to my heart because everybody here is close to my heart. So someone I met and I said you know why you don’t change what you are doing to this particular activities and this will get you a better income and you can move forward. They made it question he said. So what I would tell my family
I don’t have a job. So if I do this particular career in or if I do. This particular up opportunity is not a job so we actually work who shook. Who is my employer sits you. He said no I can’t I have to go back and tell them I work for somebody. So I love this. What do you mean what the manual for somebody. Why you don’t work for yourself why you don’t start what you can do. There’s a new knowledge base for your subject matter expert based on what you know. So you can move forward. So or stop and say no I can’t I have to work for somebody.
You are now listening to with way out the ultimate shell. But if we are been programmed not to lose. We have been programmed not to risk it. We aren’t with Brawn not to touch it. When we start early on in our life. We will tell you Oh it’s hard. Don’t touch. Oh it’s called Don’t touch you know what you have to this don’t do this don’t do this don’t do this.
OK Can you tell me what to do when you think about not doing it. You play to lose not to lose when you think about don’t actually what you want to achieve. Don’t change because you don’t feel comfort it don’t know. When you don’t know you play not to lose. So
I don’t know I thought about the sky having this particular topic today because I always play to win and not only when I always play to win big. And when it’s all or not which is my attitude. If you play well at all or not it’s a different attitude I call it the no loss. Nothing to lose game you know play without anything to lose. Can you would it all in. I’m not talking about gambling of the what our life. Can you have. The challenge and the change to say I would. All in I will move forward to a new pass in my life. When we look at individuals who changed our lives by a separation or divorce or just a change was a live was this people see a you know what we are fed up.
We want to just play to win big who want to just move on. We want to put all in to a different life. Can you have this attitude toward your work toward your profession toward your legacy to word your what you do and I’m sure to have income in. This particular attitude is not really. People when they play not to lose. They are more conservative they want to be an employee they want to be somebody who accept a lower level of winning because they want to play not to lose. I’m the guy who allows you to define and when and to guide you to win and win big. When bigger than what you can dream. And this is not. Just a simple talk. This is our strategies and messages and stuff I make you know stuff which can make you happy. This stuff which can make you happy is when you identify this year is this tough and what you need to do this. What Get in get you moving your life.
It’s never been about how do you live or why do you live is a beer is about what do you want to live in. You live in a winning status in a winning mindset. You know what’s Are you winning goals. If you know what are you winning goals. Let’s just build together their winning brain and the winning mindset from the winning mindset we can do so many so much and all of them is to win win big win here wish when Babe and my dream. Can I do it. My answer is yes you can do it. Let’s work together. If you want to when in your life if you play to win not to lose. And you play to that and not to play to not to lose. You should get hold of me and email me at Info to win your brand dot com. And I should be able to describe to you what can you do when you play to win not to play not to lose
and I hope you enjoy this particular but cast and looking forward to meet you in the following one. Thank you
thank you for listening,
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Tags: achieve, attitude, challenge, change, comfort zone, confidentiality, decision, employee, feel comfort, forward, friends, host Wael Badawy, income, individual, listening, media, mindset, move forward, nice guy, opportunity, people, podcast, question, show, stories, strategy, tv, ultimate, Wael Badawy,, win big, Win Your Brand, winning mindset, WinYourBrand,, With Wael - the Ultimate Show,