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What is Wrong With Your Presentation?

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Welcome to with Wael the ultimate Show .
Almost all of us will present and at the end of our presentation. We will not be able to know if we really engage our audience or we will basically they’ve heard our audience a way. Many of us will say I did my best. I had lots of content. I taught. All my knowledge but the audience did not really
engage with me and audience did not get me.
Did not join my program or did not join my. It were a mailing list or they did not take actions I didn’t get called back up as a percentage.
So the question is what’s wrong with the presentation because if anybody. And and everybody stand over there. And present you all must have at least one in the audience call you back or come back and ask your question. So the question is why the audience are not here for you.
So my question to you
is what do you do in your presentation.
Audience will engage with
a good content
audience will engage engage with good sic which. Audience will engage with a speaker who will be
dynamic enough and provide the right material in the right way so you can be able to talk to them. So what is the top of challenges for your presentations. Why your presentation did not work.
My name is A while back that we have been professor and
and structure. Mark Terence sales from the stage specialist and I’m here to share with you. The secrets I have
on how to engage my audience so I can achieve results by the end of my presentation. I have been around for a one thousand nine hundred ninety two and. I during the years I was able to
collect and figure out
a few tips. And a few things which will work for me and work for anybody. And from my education my my practice my experience. I developed a system which is. I cannot tell you it will guarantee
a ninety percent engagement which is I can as a matter of fact because whenever I apply my sequences and my systems and my in my classes and my audience usually. It is not hundred percent engaging is about ninety percent engaging. But I would guarantee if you start applying this tool you will immediately have results and you will immediately have engagement and more audience will come to
join your program or ask you follow up question where you can sell or do
help them with your program.
If they want to ask you what is the top challenges for you to
provide an engaging sequence out there in
your fear and your ego
confidence and your trust that what you know is better. Which is not necessarily true
will be the main
number three challenge you have because many of. We have an eagle many of us will say you know I want to do a contant I want to do a demo I want to do I want to do but. You never ask yourself what what what about the other side. I did have one of my clients his.
Healer and he was always feeling good about his methods and the sequence. He was feeling good about his is missing. He was feeling good about what he can do for his crimes. So he will always stand and talk about what exactly is doing.
He wandered around for about two years and a year and a half to two years and he usually have between two to four clients a month
I met him and I present to him what I can do for him and he he said like this my last resources let me give it a try.
You are now listening to which way I’ll be ultimate show.
When I
modify and I suggest some of the patient what he’s doing for example he does not talk at all about his own program and his own techniques. He would converse most to moderate clients from his audience and it when he was very resistant he did not like it.
It took him five weeks to be convinced to try and in the first two weeks after that he was able to conclude between seven to nine clients on his working days which means
he had roughly more than twenty plus Comodo new clients a week.
So as a part time here there who’s looking at these numbers. He made a decision to move for out from his full time job and just focus on healing.
So if you would your figure ego and you’re a confidence and you’re feeling. That what you know is good and you try to apply some other tools when you’re stuck. It’s maybe the way
to Day In particular I was in IP presentation and the presenter wanted to do. I’d like them all and she was so concerned about so many
things which can go wrong. So I step down and I ask you know what you why do you want to do them. What is the reason for you to do for me and them. You know that you don’t do a demo because or you must not like my advice you must not do them. It’s not because everything will go around assembly if you have one thousand minutes to twenty minutes to ninety minutes presentation. How many of us who are really learned something from seeing a flashy screams. Even when we have three hours working groups for hours working groups and each one has its own computer which is on interface. And is trying to fix a problem. Not everybody in the room will follow and understand what the reason for us having a demo or having a life hands on session. So if you want to do a demo on your presentation. You have to be careful because there is no need for a demo I.E. went into so many of these financial advisor presentations and investors and sister to shoe all of the Steve’s tables having stock and numbers and how the stocks are changing and what the high performance companies and what their strategy is I stop there and that’s Ponsonby question what is in it for me why you show me the stables as a matter of fact if I am hiring you as a financial advisor or investors of my behalf. I am hiring you so you can take care of these details and these tables so I don’t have to see them. So if you come and say I will I will use your money and this is a team as you have to say you have basically defeating the point. So I went in and
I want to say that you need to value what you get what you give your audience every single second in your audience. It must to have an evolving procedures toward your journey or your program. You never go and just do the stuff because you feel it’s cool coming back to the demo. I even asked some of the partner of this particular individual which is for just a sec of
upset anybody. I didn’t want to say Who was she. But who was he. But I spoke to store three of her partners on or her colleagues in the business and each one was surprised why you cannot give it. Imma be able to learn from them and I say wait a minute wait a minute. People will never learn from them at them or is has no
place in an introduction presentation or an educational presentation at them as a filler that you want to tell everybody
that I am not here to give you more value other value is done now we have to see how it works if you are telling me what the valley on the other Use your business what it was your system. Why do I need to hire you. He would ensure me how to do it as a matter of fact when we talk about presentations. We always say you have to answer that five W.’s and this W. as I say I was selected not because my first name is why all this deputies are selected because it’s how people runs a business you explain the five Ws you never show the help at them and it shows how if you show a demo it means you show me how what you’re supposed to be a keep secret. Now if I move away from this point and say OK so what about if the demo will fail for any reason Internet blockage server down some. Saying ground. I don’t know any of these reasons will make you look like a fool if you can show me a demo which is connecting on different servers and you say I will show you now the demo and this is there was not work.
You are now listening to with my L.B. ultimate show.
It means you are not good.
Thats it.
So when you try to show them as you have to be careful there was no place in any presentation demo has a place only in working sessions and you have to figure out how we can do it so. The second chorus sing I learn also is.
The second the challenge they have in my in this particular presentation I can share with you is you don’t take time.
You don’t take advantage of don’t take time. You don’t move. You are slowing moving move or if somebody will come and say I am showing you a sequence that or a message elegy to present to engage your audience and make you rock Blackstar Usually we are voices particular individuals when you have all these individuals and you take time to fix your presentation and the first explosion Titian have. You visited spreading their message out and the word out that you are not good.
You are indeed harming yourself and your business and instead of moving into an area where you are trying to rock as a star. If you are harming your business.
Don’t blame others and yourself if you gave two or three or four different presentations and all of them are not performing are not good. What what you will know about you. The see another performer. So what will happen in your next and after for the presentation. When you have individuals coming in. If you don’t engage in. Audiences audience will not come back. And this what you don’t understand
you need to make sure that you don’t consume your if real presence here to
reduce and damage your business if I say the second this challenge for presenter to finish their presentation is they don’t take time. They don’t take actions they don’t take actions on a time and there I can tell you one thing. If you don’t take an action to fix your presentation as soon as you have been told You don’t care if you don’t take actions now what will happen he don’t care about your business your business will not perform. You have to give a chance you have to listen to others. Otherwise it will not work. So
that last challenge for present or is
the present of themselves.
There’s other themselves are bounded by their ego the other day there was a marketing company which is amazingly interesting because when you see a marketing company. It’s trying to sell their own product as they try to teach we have to market and the main presenters are for more than one hour reading a script from his i Phone. I’m glad that you have an i Phone this what I can tell you I love the fact is you have an i Phone and my question to you is why you don’t have an i Phone seven. Why do you have an i Phone as an i Phone seven. If you are the top notch guys the market. You are now listening to with my L.B. ultimate show.
I never seen a presenter who just said that there is a script. And if the script will come because they say oh yeah I don’t want to miss anything from the government who cares about the government. It’s all about engagement. If you don’t know how to market if you I don’t understand how you communicate and how you market at present dish and how it comes you market your business as a. Company
you have to be Kerik careful you have to take care of the audience you have to tell the audience what they need to know they have to engage with you. Everything is an engagement. There is nothing
on education. Nothing on sales if you don’t engage me it cannot educate me is so central if you don’t understand this concept. You should not be on the stage. So when you come and say No no I want to use this because I forgot forget what
evilness wants to use
not they’re not bored because they forgot they forgot what
if you cannot know what is’ your present ation is not a society if you cannot talk about your presentation without having notes. It means you are not expert. Why would I have why when I was I listen to you. Why do you have a script. Oh please read the script and I can read it I don’t have to read English.
Oh you know what if I don’t know how to read English I will find somebody who can read it for me
engaging is not about script engaging is not about presence in gauge it is not about what you can do and what you can say engaging it’s a hard connection between and you and the audience. If you want to learn how to do the hard connection. Let me know I can show you
we have not. We had we have not been born
with engagement skills.
We have we did not but we were not born with
engaging sequences. We learned this tool this too. The skulls are level. The idea of having somebody was a Christmas to engage. I’m sorry. There is not such a thing this Christmas is resultant af. Lots of training and lots of process which is can happen at any time of your age and your career to make you the focus. Point is a focal point to make you engage with others. So
if you listen to this particular but cast.
I would areas you connect with me I will show you I will show you the minimum stuff you have to do you have to start to move away. We are the first enemy is in for you as present or you are someone was worrying about the too much let it go let the presentation go from your body let it go away. Give it to us. Don’t hold it back. Don’t try to articulate it right. I have been asked so many questions. How do I engage when I have an accent.
I have I And that is that their size one time when I was standing there in the front of a new audience for me and I said Do you really notice you have an accent. This is not we enjoy what you’re saying.
So accent is not a barrier your knowledge is not a barrier your communication is not a barrier. You are what you say is not a barrier your visual image visuals are not a barrier the barrier is you you are someone who elect to do. Interesting and acceptable tasks and statements from the stage which shut us down. I wasn’t I want to share with you. The story because it was very interesting. There was this enterprise she sold like her business for multi million dollars and she was coming and talk about how great she was doing and her journey away from her journey is wrong because you don’t stand there and tell and to pronounce that it’s Duff it’s difficult. You shouldn’t do it. I would not do it if I have a choice because this is our zone messages out there and the printer ship is fun and the printer ship is something you have to love doing it. You have to live and it. If you don’t live and if you don’t do it. That’s it. But our way from this point this particular individual stand up and just give us like forty minutes or seven minutes of stuff I would put the stuff because. There was no structure whatsoever and to be honest with you. I’m not sure why she’s on the stage. If you make multi-million dollar and you stand on the stage you have to be that you have to train yourself have to stand up to what sequences are you don’t stand on the stage because you are a successful whatever
it just it does make sense. There are so many speakers. I would say that are not so much at the printer but engaged as are so many people who made so much money and they don’t they don’t stand on the stage because they don’t know the art and science of it so she is standing right there.
Everything was done was wrong she has a microphone it was not right. This big voice was not right. The monotone she has was just so annoying all the stories she has assumed much details very long not engaging I said What is that. But before I really was surprised I have to listen to the following. She said Oh OK guys with a minute. I have to review my notes and you know what. And it’s exactly something she said from the state. I’m not good in the repairing the speeches. I would call my you know my my swords in a sticky and I started I glued them to this particular page
and sure there’s a page. So I’m not sure why you want to share with me that you have slobby. If I am having as you might engage with you as you might have a respect was for evil. Why is the value of you showing me the just loving slobby one who does not repaired Well why do I need to see that. Why did you tell me you don’t know as you that the only one who has a contest and the only one who has a content and the only one who know what you are teaching is Will is YOU not me. So if you stand and talk and say something which was not complete. Nobody cares because we will not know till you make a full disclosure and. The minute you make a full disclosure what could happen.
You are now listening to with my L.B. ultimate show. The minute you make a full disclosure I will not be able to connect with you because I’m not here. I’m here to see a role models. I am here to see individuals who devoted enough time to prepare for themselves to come to present in front of me if I devote enough time as an audience as a speaker as an audience or a guest to come to park my car and they my car which is not free. I pay my car parking fees and then I come and I go to Europe you own your own space edition and I climb the stairs and I take the elevator and I have to sit there and do it for you for YOU COME TO SEE I’M NOT READY by showing Misa sticky pads and then are you message guys out that you message. If you don’t understand the art of engaging connectors me get this together I’m offering it to you for no cost. Let me know you want to invite me for a coffee I will set you up for half an hour to an hour and I will show you the easy steps a sequence which can get you engage with your audience. If you have Siri or more in the room as a matter of fact if you have even one in a room. If you understand the psychology this logics Why do people come to here to listen to you. Not even buy but is different story but is different structure but is different. Six sequence. If you want to understand why do we sit and listen till
you should talk save your business. Leave your business alone. Leave your business. Where
is neutral right now don’t damage it don’t come and say I want to do this. I want to do that. I want to speak. Why didn’t I have to tuck and one more is one more thing I want to do before I close a particular but cast many of us will go and collect our friends you know
if I am broke
who is who are my friends
and the videos what broke like me
if I’m H Who are my friends people who are rich like me. So when you collect everybody in your organization and you say yeah we are a start up company and they want to present and we are doing just present ation let’s let me let’s help me and let me rehearse on your presentation.
You are presenting in front of the wrong audience because your partners in the company are people who work for you and the company your friends. I’m not your audience. I’m not your buyers. Moreover it’s one of them. He never present before because if one of them has a better presentation skills and you most likely as enter Pranav used to get at them
is OK now you guys you have a good the skills and you understand the audience. So why you don’t present on my behalf.
So the fact is none of them is presenting and you are the only one and you brand. It brings the guys who don’t present don’t understand selling from the stage or selling from a platform or presenting from a platform
give you feedback
to fix
your presentation
I can tell you one thing. This is we call it a blind leading the blind
blind individuals don’t understand the business don’t understand how to type don’t understand how to speak and what they do they try
and I have to use a word or try here. They try their best
to get you behind because I don’t understand. When someone rang his family and say I’m giving have this presentation tomorrow. Let me show you what I would present
his family will cheer out for him will say you know what good that you are the good that you know my husband you know his wife will say my husband you look awesome. Because none of this individuals what actually presenting this or your family
and even you can say I was given this example to there somebody said all but my own my but my family is a businessman is a business man and to pronounce it
with a minute or so of these are successful people why you are not working with them
the story is not to present in front of somebody who will
schmoozy Oh and say you are great. The story is you present in front of somebody who understand how the message can get across
the story is to present in front of the coach who understand the presentation how it works if any coach will tell you you start with your title and you start with your who you are and your mission and your various
fire this coach. I’m telling you fire. If you want to achieve results fire this coach if any present present or coach will say you want your presentation title followed by your man as in the very first right.
You have must fire this coach he just not the way it works. Nobody cares about your name. Nobody cares about your value nobody cares about your mission. Nobody cares about your wife. They don’t care is only about this information a certain point when they understand how strong you are and they see your market presence and then the stand. What that you can to give it to me.
Thank you for listening to went way out the ultimate shell. The very first step. I gave to anybody in this business. If you have a coach or a trainer or a mentor whoever will ask you to want your presentation with a title up front with your name and articulate your value and what you do for life.
I would tell you fire the fire this coach. I want to share with your story. I have business coaches that everybody everybody needs stage he would have coaches and you know what if somebody will tell you I don’t have coaches
you know you don’t don’t don’t really work with them because if you don’t have coach means you don’t develop yourself. You need some other set of eyes of professional eyes to evaluate what you do. If you don’t have coaches don’t work with you don’t work with anybody not have coach. And if I’m not
I don’t feel comfort to share with you who are my coaches there is a problem he has because so if you work with somebody. So I have my two coaches and
I as everybody you know like what is the business will start to show good the growing habit. You’re always try to bring your coaches to life seminars and say Can you show me how I can do better. So this particular coach It took me to a specific point. And now I’m ready to go to the next level.
So I sat there and I gave my present ation my two coaches came and said on a different drive a discussion. It was great. I learned a lot very engaging
I have two recommendations for you. So what he said why you should start with your title and this is the start was used by you or
your credential
I said. The squidge but why
they could not justify
and this is the exact moment I stop interacting with these coaches full stop. Why because when I tell you I don’t care about who you are till I know what VERY I will get from you
if you start with your title with your name. Nobody cares. Nobody cares about your value. I only care. Once I made a decision in my unconscious mind after working with you. So
if you are someone you are someone first enemy for your presentation. You are the one whose first you are the one who is doing all of this mystics. You are the one who will come and say I am not ready. I need this showers I need this piece of paper. I need a Tele Promp a.
if you cannot be more eyes your presentation let me know there are techniques
visualization techniques that still allows you to look in front of your client in their deep eyes and then wise what you want to talk about as a matter of fact that that’s technique of this particular methodology is will get you to the level that you can remember word by word
for ninety minutes without the rising anything at work these techniques valid. It takes about two hours to learn to stick nick it takes about maybe two three hours
to implement them to master twenty minute presentation
and if you want to be the masters of it. It may take a few rehearsals. So wasn’t three four days you should be able to master your signature presentation and you must have only one presentation.
If you want to engage me was any of your material. If you want to get me to sign up. Or give you part of my business you must have one presentation and only one. So I’m summarizing here what you have
and what I have been talking about is I was give you my view on my party of on the challenges which is stand between you and your audience
and the first number three challenges your ego and fear. Number two challenges you don’t have it don’t take actions of time and number one it challenges you. This is a while but are we
with you. I have the name of my program.
And as I said click on the link below. If you need to connect with me so I can get yo
just three
assessment tools to show you what you can do with your presentation or you can e-mail me at info@withwael
looking forward for your feedback. Thank you