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Close The Deal

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It shows twenty four types of closing.
And what we will do today is in this session we will work basically on objects one wishes start from Page ninety five. Page one ninety and one line and one.
If you don’t have if you need to if you want to by just walk walk just sign up if you don’t absorb what you can follow in that fashion so if I go to page ninety seven.
It says I don’t know your company.
So once a client says I don’t know your company.
Which is here. What does it mean.
So somebody can search arms and.
So the client means Who are you.
And our client have found that purely emotional objection like one quickly uncovers the insecurity of average said person so if somebody would say I don’t know your company people would feel like they are not known. Saw as action.
From an average says a man and he would think no you don’t why does no one like me. And the action he was Dick it would become defensive Waffen and ultimate been out of the court.
The idea is that.
If you flip the page if you have the book if the page. The flip the page will say
Fantastic that’s exactly why I have called you we are. And you give open a statement or unique selling point.
That’s about to start the superstar salesman will sink you well in a minute or so the mindset of a superstar salesman when I tell you oh shit mean I don’t know you.
So you don’t say how it comes. Your mind set will be.
You would know me in a minute. And understand that speak with the former are motivated from the inside out only after service men are affected by this kind of comment why is this particular.
Opening would work fantastic That’s exactly that’s exactly why I have called you we are this won’t work because it reframes a client expectation of how salespeople behave.
It is both Steve and I’m using it was never any objections anyway.
So when somebody will say oh Marianna we don’t know you what you are saying
fantastic That’s exactly why I have called you
I am doing this and this.
The exams and you come and. You have a space and the music speech if you have the orc walk to be able to write your comment so your comment here should be we are the we are the ones.
PREMIER What you have to you should write here oh about your order about your own business.
I don’t know a business.
So what what you write most of.
All Why.
So you know how come you’re you know.
If you remember the discussion we have around our workers. Premier few members are scheduled but I’m aware of what we’re premier will be one which will which can be as we are separate mare courts or I am award winning.
Business coach or I am the. Only was to kind of Western Canada certified.
OK So Premier I was only one is very.
If you want to go also as other ones so we did one.
Is that any other one you want to run this test you want to read swords and see how we can. Be taught from ninety seven of two one ninety one.
You like to become another one.
Week of one Q Which one’s on the other eleven Q.
Which one of these.
Which one do you Mark.
You know which one.
OK so this bridge one zero nine.
So I am happy it was my concept liar Thank you.
So what the client means.
I get these calls all the time so the meaning of I am happy with my current suppliers means it is a club when you talk about the right objection it means it is a client mindsets I get these calls all the time.
OK clients have found that small salespeople have no useful answer to this objection they often use it without any consideration as was are they really happy or not.
An average salesman says Person everything has a sub already why do I bother with this job.
The action bill out of the call or the challenge for the weakness in the client existing relationship. This usually dissolved into confrontation should we confront our client.
OK Now how do you map this so maybe for Marianna understanding that people say I am happy with the current to hear that I have or I’m happy it was a kind of shock or techniques or how.
Can you suggest how your answers.
Which what I say.
OK so I can give you here one one of two scripts one of them would be great I am not asking you to change now merely consider consider building a relationship.
So when I say great and I am not asking you to change now means what.
Not someone so you still has a conversation going
another way to get hundreds if you say many of my as our clients.
What means of clients. Muzi have other people business told me the same thing.
They we’re also working with existing suppliers before they realize that our service but effect perfectly complemented what they were already doing I’d like to get together and show you how.
You just up there for V.I.P.’s and you guys I work for is out of work. Many of our clients told me the same thing so by this statement means what it means I have clients and you are not alone so sure Mary remember this.
Emotional no discussion. You always say and here you reframe. So many of my other clients told me the same thing they were also working with existing suppliers before they realize that our service perfectly complemented what they already doing I would like to get together and show you.
How they should be able ins and wants to continue.
What help me
so a sales a superstar will say but really we we will see about sex. Understand it has been estimated that five percent of the clients are generally happy with their current supplier but most are one tell you until we have got significant amount of trust on the board.
Because Andy and I found out that because when you go around nobody wants to be seen like forty two nobody will come and say all our suppliers all we are looking for a new supplier. Because they with a will it is a trust this work because it does not a challenge or threaten the existence of liar relationship it to respect the client decision it changes now is an embedded command use inclusive approach with the award compliment so when you say I have I will I would have perfectly complimented this is one of the power words which you need to be used in this particular script.
So what you should have and you have not.
As you should become.
One of this opening and to continue the dots
so and for example at them too and and show you how how what.
This will be how what
one page want and.
So what in the business are business wise.
Or how mind heart alignment will boost your resume
and more.
Is there anybody doing the same you do wonder why you whine whine whine all you know.
Now because it’s your deal I took when I did when I called she was you it’s you you are the only D.N.A. in certain circles of law you are the only the only some here was just not. So when you up which is a client especially in sort of us. You have to find why it’s only me when the evil deed was May’s idea it was me you can find this learning so many places but you will not get the outcome from it away from me because I know how to extract the most out of it because meets one without the sex so when you are point your client with your service you have to be able to position yourself that’s it’s you’re delivering this service what give it wow factor.
So it’s not because it is because you is the one combining the two like it’s more sense combining the two it will be different you have a German flavor That’s right.
So when you are when you try to scrape to scrap to hear the language. The language will be words.
Why I am except why you have to war was me.
Against it.
And nobody has similar similar experience as you and nobody has a say in learning and voice as you
make sense can you script statement.
And read it for us.
To do on motion.
Can you script one hundred requests.
You know I want to I want to exam to be able to use this language. So you can read for.
You not it from the beginning to do my.
I make your.
So you may want to modify this because you will be about as business coach and so I was out there there’s actual B I’m happy was my kind of business coach.
So it’s a many of the other clients told me the same thing they would are working with existing business coaches before their allies that’s my service is perfectly complemented what’s. Already doing.
And I’d like to get to that show how my put my how how whatever your afternoon so in the north you should sit spends the time and the Customise this opening. And the hardest part is you know what I.
Mean what I say I’m not an unwise English and Guy but they can read it I can figure I was the most important things and I can use different language different words every time but I know how to overcome this objection it helps you sure.
You want to because someone else can pick another.
Objection from the list.
And I pick up objections which one can be quite as and you.
Know now we are here to just try to figure out how we can get this objection.
What are the scripts so we will have our sessions are exactly what.
They’ve got one from the list you have and you can check the list is from page one thousand nine hundred ninety one so you bit already once all the other people did not pick one which one do you like to.
With each other which of which one which bridge. Which makes.
One for three
we have just bought one of those.
So what the client means when they say we have just bought one of those or I’ll just subscribe for another service.
Or for another quarter what does that mean.
We’re not going to bid you one for three
we have just bought one of those.
We already have a supply are so we have no need.
That’s right. People often do look at things in black and white terms such as right versus wrong versus down and the need versus no need.
In any case dissemble objection gets rid of ninety percent plus of serves an amazing that’s you guys get a very hard to reject.
Every service person or say no one ever need me how come I never lucky.
Action leaves a call I’ll leave court a loser or fight with a client or the validity of their recent precious would like what would you listen to someone who doesn’t know you your business telling you you have not made the best decision when you listen to somebody like that.
If we want to talk of ourselves a superstar.
So superstar will start and say I’m sorry we were not there to help you as a time.
There is a of my form I called was actually to.
Sell superstar was saying Great so my information about you being a potential client was right because he already bought a clipboard thing. Which again is a closed door now would be foolish all clients at some point assess the solutions they have implemented the logistics of the purchase and the impact of any change building a relation now our sales superstar in a poor position when doubt or future need comes along. Because you cannot do much if they already close their really close.
Why this is will work I am sorry we were not there to help us at the time the reason for my code was actually to.
Hear you take responsibility you take time that’s what the event into the past and to move to the conversation forward if that plant object against it will more than likely be different objects sions example money
so if somebody said we bought we bought one of those as would you like to build a relationship you could obviously information in your C R M I hope which one of you has a customer relation ship management program and you are scheduled to call him up to see how he is happy with his column solutions so he or six move some superstars who are also.
May ask for it for if they do know somebody else in the market looking for similar. Sort of.
Some said superstar will ask What makes you bar is this party to Konar solution for this particular plan.
Because if I know why he bought more of this the same line of the same product from somebody else I know what I’m not offering.
So when somebody say oh we just sign up with us we’re so why make you sign up why the makers of why did you like about this but up to buy and you start to ask questions to get one.
More this is a record that we don’t put information in this report of business intelligence because if you don’t know why somebody boards alternative product yours and how it can lead you are not aware of it. You would be able to have intelligent information about what makes this client to regard to buy your.
Next else.
did you find one more objection.
There was one by the way can you send me more information I remember there.
Yeah which one is it if you find a vigil number you can.
Send me let the chips.
OK send me letters means what you.
Know means you as a business must have what.
Must I have little it shares to send. So when somebody asks you to suddenly more information or certainly more letters about your products you must before making a phone call having worked.
With this charity in a B.D.’s format. And. We have lots of discussions about what the letter shows you might you need.
So you don’t never call and you’re asking for more information you say oh yeah I will spend one week to do it because that would be called. Usually how long what was a time what’s the right time between this form this call said need a lecture and action to two cents of which are.
Five ten minutes fifteen minutes is not one day OK.
There is another one I would bring it along if I if you can help me find example for it which is oh I did not receive the literature so after we censor teachers and then what what what happens the customer will not call so when you send somebody to search or only just a guy you should ask for when you can follow up I will send you the question when should I call you back
in a week so we call him in a week. And you have to make sure you call him in a week.
Or week is seven days like if you took Monday so you say don’t say you know we can say so can I book Monday or you have to be specific morning or afternoon.
So let’s just look at the Send me the future as you said you were trying to hear what client means go away
client have found that this is a really easy way to get rid of salesperson. Who are more than willing to send emails at least. Because it gets them off the phone.
While they are. Why they are doing.
And if you are in tears and you and somebody will say oh it’s not because we need so many people out of the four anymore we go live to just meet up or lease events and stuff oh I’m interested percent you mean send me more information.
How many of us will go back and the daily emails information so if I can say do you have information ability like can you send me more information in your technique you have information can you send to me when you go home
to see me but you my ear should it should should have the same want to talk about the shirkers he should have more information about why this technique would work if you remember this for people.
If you remember this for people who is looking for information which one of these will be someone looking for information. When you process sometimes relations because sometimes. When we talk about the sixteen characters its characteristics of the sixteen types of buyers some of them are tribes some of them who need to get their friends or separate spouses to decide with them because I don’t the leadership. So this is are the two one year process but this is out of the top usually ask for literature so you must have and if you say yeah I have a blog e-mail thems a link of the blog like it I prefer to have like information sheet which should have also frequently asked questions at the end.
But if you have blog. You can send Yeah you can send an e-mail was a blog No it’s not a big deal just a bit of this.
On page one forty one sixty four.
A superstar will say I certainly will do that. And I am pleased that you are interested in our company this is an optional statement.
Or you are interested in my technique or in my business based on your company or your other service as you may expect we have a large amount of company that we have a large amount of company read literature.
In order if that’s exactly meet your needs what they like to do is to ask you for your questions
coming to meet with you.
And from that I would be happy to select the information which matches your needs.
Did I send any literature. I’m asking for.
For me to show I’m not sure what’s blood is your eyes are there my mistake not to look it up before this meeting but if you serve already or maybe of one of the shutters we don’t know. Much but you may want to come and say Oh but I want to really know where what is the area of the play and know what is the area of the pin or what exactly you suffer from where is the exact been so why you don’t come for a free assessment because you are free assessment you know so somebody will ask you Can you send me more information on the camera or the technique.
You can say yeah it’s great I certainly will do that so he confirms that she will do that. And I’m really and I’m really happy that you are interested but we I have lots of lots of material which is you do. So for the best way to serve your needs you can ask more questions or you can say OK so what about you just come so I give you enough I will be more concerned of your time and I’ll give you enough material. Which only you need so I will not and this will not cost you anything because you already.
Provide this particular. That this makes sense.
A superstar sell superstar will sing most of my combat or would miss out here so this is a great opportunity
most serious a superstar will think what most of this competitor will miss out here so this is a great opportunity.
An average sales man will think yes OK I will send you yes OK I will send you one hundred but.
I seriously want to start understanding letter as you stated you would be more likely to end.
Or end up in a pen or in the garbage client buy based on the problem challenges and needs.
Failure to take the time to understand this buys only a ticket for the lottery.
So you have to be a superstar when I say send me more literature.
Definitely I will do that but I need more information and I keep the conversation going
OK in the past it was difficult for you to practice but right now it’s easy because you can have your form you can record yourself on your phone sit where you are. Just write the script.
Customize it to your own business and practice.
It after you record yourself go back and they listen to what you record.
And see if it makes sense for not.
Does this make sense why is this will work because you agree with the client request he said I certainly will do that. You respect that she is busy because he said I want to get more information to send you a focus a laser focus material to help you if you link to asking about him and his business.
You agree on this script.
Or. Who else did not select.
One to discuss.
Or OK OK Here here here here we have to understand once again what is our role as a serious people. Our role is to sort through the crowds to find out their morals are one who is likely to buy our product and service with all that you respect other curiosity people.
I would own I need you to focus only also on who are willing in a short period to woods or to put their hands in their pockets and write you a check as it’s
so if you generally has curiosity and did not fill it up by searching it on Google has Elizabeth.
I see myself very.
Very very very high.
So his role is to ask you to try to figure out how to what exact information he she can send no no.
But I’m.
Genuinely. Favors one more thing you have all to understand Sharon drop that information and this is for people who will go to the show is a live show when you stand in the show and you just hand information to us to everybody walking and just in the way. You are basically letting you will come by the terror and everybody to know what you do and you not get customers in the INS up in the shows usually woods of nations is a back there are physical anybody has get it and that is to reach to my little chairs he has to pass by at least one of my sales rep who will you call not him and ask him questions not questions about why he is there is that sure but question about why you are here what brought you to the show what are you looking for what is the most.
Pinpoint you’re trying to solve right now how is your business doing when I ask my suspect or my prospect How is your business doing why am I asking this question.
Because they want to know how hard I I can price my father if they said the business doing great we just close few sales. If you say always justice really hard right now we don’t have the clients.
I will give him different purity.
Because. After the show you will follow up here is a qualifying says so when you go to the show you are not selling in the show.
Even I don’t think anybody here is selling in the show. They are basically in gauging for a complete another closure for a meeting only one who selling the show will be what they once were are selling mugs or commodity which is nobody here is and I’m aware of his sell and commodity products in the show. So in the show if you even know if you have been selling your book you can sell a book.
But you are not nearly as a show to sell books you are in the show to close on a follow up meeting or a photo of what they teach your exchange so no matter what will happen in the show you will have a list of people lets you need to connect with them later so if you have these people and you want to connect with them later.
What you will what you need to do
you need to prioritize and see how much effort you need to because one which you feel they may have an immediate need what you would do for them immediately call them or email. OK.
We are in phone calls on all of our Been hours.
Order. And you may want to decide if you want to get young to come like with Mary is very straightforward because here on the web in our hour week weekly a special shot So his goal was the people who would not sign up for this program is to go where.
To go through his weekly expenses shot customers will buy will buy the question is there when they will buy.
If somebody there is spends the time to talk to you out of curiosity.
Most likely is I will buy these are from you or from your competitor sometime down the road. That’s it my goal is to show you energy and see that if you come here that’s why in our workshop you say limited sitting and honest about the standard City because this room cannot take more than city for more and there is maybe one or two would be coming after them. And there are silicon solution because if there was a because they live a little bit further down and we know another will and there are also cancer so so if everybody showed up this will be a full room.
And you can see this most is. One for me and one for.
So when you. When you close you have to figure out why are you closing so you have.
Twenty bucks if you consult on a box instead of compliment is going one on.
OK Let’s get we have we have. We have like six minutes to war so we need to work this through to social media doing a bit of one.
Or anybody anybody ready to pick up another one to discuss.
You already had one already let’s just to give a chance for everybody else was.
One sixty seven Why should I speak to you.
I got lots of sales call don’t waste my time this was a client needs client no there’s this question but all but the best salespeople on their back foot from plant perspective it’s a very easy to take any answer that serious gives and say it’s not good enough or even to talk to them. So an average shares member will say I don’t know
action disparately dumb here of information as fast as possible in the hope of hitting the mark too often they don’t.
And this is where she will have what we will discuss in the. Next session the wrong time to introduce your product. Because your products should not come as a beginning your price should not come at the beginning somebody owns hours or days ago and we shall we and our pride and we sent really cheap prices at the really cheap prices.
I’m not here to buy cheap she was for she not for me.
I am not here but to buy cheap things. I’m here to buy cost effective high return of investment which is our high Our why which is by the way is an equivalent meaning of what
cheap. That’s right cost effective means work.
But if I say cheap it’s bad war to us so we have two wars today what was the first one. Not you have learned to what not to say but and achieve.
And try it try a served one so if somebody were to say I said it my price are really cheap it sounds for desperate it sounds has no value.
It’s out for this but it sounds like he has no value and it sounds that he cannot.
Articulate what.
What is doing and why.
So we don’t say achieve prices. Or are. We or somebody will come and say we actually have a sale come because you have a civil.
War that’s not selling them what you have said.
Although this might be for greedy people who say oh why didn’t buy it we have really really good prices really low prices.
We sell for lower the combustor.
Of the work
so dancer for why should I speak to you all be you know that there is a good question.
And there certainly are many business reason why clients do speak with me.
Why my clients do speak with me.
What do you mean my clients do speak with me. I have.
Clients did you sell to customers.
What you say you have customer say they have clients.
Did you make money from customers.
Most likely not.
Begin to talk about currency in talking with customers well you know me well you know you could be but you don’t make money from glance so many people who were born there are starting and you don’t have too many you just have one of two pilots that was all due respect to the growing of a business right now. But they’re on the other side of their own people who just have one installations of two installations I started so for sure we are working now with many clients because you are trying to sell your purse right how many Clough many individuals are in discussion with you about making new software.
How many of them bought most likely not a single one so when you talk to them that’s why we talk about it so why my client to speak with me tell me why wouldn’t you speak to me.
So you head back so when a customer will say.
Why should I speak to you.
You know this is a great question and there are certainly many business reason why my clients do speak with me.
Tell me. Why wouldn’t you speak from.
The hood.
I go you know why.
Want to follow. This.
Really well.
Yes So write down write down your script the reason for each page.
Yet the reason for this we just don’t have this notes. Is you can right now I said the superstar will say I don’t know yet but there are plenty of reasons so let’s find them together. So why you don’t want to speak to me I don’t know yet let’s find them together let me show you what’s wrong with me you know like when to stand in front of the mirror and say what’s wrong with me.
Let’s just figured out yet most clients don’t really want there isn’t to talk they want a reason not to.
Ourselves superstar we get underneath this objections and uncovers a client’s real needs and wants.
Why this is work because acknowledge the client question it links to business reason it create credibility by mention of other clients it start to uncover any real objections and or drivers
OK so for you you go over tween.
Seconds to page one thousand one and this is our different objects sions So if you want to become one if you want to begin one right now so.
This is as I was actually yes I saw each one and see how the one saw figure out and.
Some other some other objections.
No. One thousand talking to
you you OK guys was no I got no but yes.
OK one nineteen actually.
Actually on from page two hundred twenty three to two hundred fifty five. Or two hundred fifty four
there are specific.
Techniques to overcome it cost too much.
So whoever has over in the ID side and the gods of books they can figure out was it because this is a particular objection is that it is very important to let’s just look at one nineteen.
So what does it mean for the first Not once they have no budget.
I have got no budget for you so I have no budget is not I have no budget I have no budget for you or your office.
Client No that’s ninety for four or five percent of sales you ask them they do have a budget and there is a call them back to them.
What a great way to get rid of certain. An average salesman will say this job is rubbish the market is rubbish no one ever has anybody.
Become disconsolate it is the disconsolate fail to better or and to create a weak pipeline.
I used this technique because I was actually going on a stage with someone and out as was I wanted to be on this station covering it and they always say we don’t have any events for you.
I use this particular technique.
Very similar wording and Dr I want their own stage on services which is very interesting and they asked me to come so you say thank you for sharing that with me when I first spoke to them many of them many of my client did not have budget and that’s what makes us different so the fact is you have no budget it makes me different at this point most company would probably ask when you do have budget and not talk now. We at this company believe in building strong relationship with our client and I’d like to invest in getting to know you now
will any one of the other party respond and say.
Something else.
There are from there are too many is up here so it doesn’t matter what of the action so it will come this way so that it will overcome this right. So I send a superstar Will saying not yet you haven’t.
So you just have no budget for now. You understand most people will bail out at this call here so that they have a good opportunity to build a relationship and when client that’s others have ignored it also most client can create a reallocate budget if they perceive a big enough need.
Why is this work because this is script in particular it acknowledges the client’s tuition thank you for sharing with me that you have no budget. You served the party experience to reframe the situation
talk now and invest in our two strong words because now by now or talk now it’s an average and see power world and invest in means are also committed some resources which is basically my point.
One eighty three.
I will take it.
If. You discount.
Everywhere how I.
Went one last time you met this uncle you know what it was and she just after nice boy.
The first of the.
Little Dusty gets right so what do you think when somebody will say I will take it if you discount.
I think I get a deal here. Because anybody would think if I give him a discount you’ll buy this right.
The audiences.
In this situation is a client saying that they have an upper hand best experience would lead them to believe that since people will always discount to get that the
average sales person were saying oh please don’t let me lose it now they’re actually start to worry and I love the feel of lose to cloud his better judgment and negotiation skills because his feeling is so full of.
Sales a superstar will say I am pleased that so you have made your decision and I understand that your return of investment is important to you however you have secured our best discount already
when you are you looking to receive the product. Or go or when are you looking to start. So I sell a superstar will say we the price you have in your hand is already deeply discounted.
When are you starting so you are basically shifting. His objection to be Lame Wolf so the service never closed Thank you I said it was a good one.
Superstar saying I know you wanted anyway. Because if somebody doesn’t want it will he try to negotiate a better price.
You agree.
OK Let me finish this and then I can show you a different understand that client this client wants the product or solution that is and after them to do a deal chances are there is no serious negotiation if it is then it’s a certain superstar job to her exact line to attach more value to their investment so basically we talk about more values. For their investment and this will get us to a situation where. What exactly we are offering and how often so when we sell from the stage we offer a price and the price will be discounted and the people who will buy sorest will get an extra stuff access to an audio access to an extra book whatever so you can always attach more value to the investment which means you must create these values up front
why is this will work decision implies something is decided already secured is an ego flattering word moving to a question which is if uncertain but oppose the deal is done so little closer if the plant is serious about negotiating then this is a strong starting was a.
Yes or.
There is a way to deal with this getting people here.
So I will show you how to deal with this beauty people.
So when you deal with people who are always having to discount the very first offer must be.
At a higher price. If you sell at the higher price is great.
Because you make more money if you have a discount it is how you plan the system so that’s why every program whatsoever even in my program like even especially in the paper is a paper you have we have a value for Vo IP for three thousand and thirty three hundred seventy five dollars or seventy dollars The actual price for the V.I.P.’s do ninety seven
and if we said this from the stage it will start at four nine hundred ninety seven and do a discount at two hundred dollars or twenty seven.
So whenever you have a bottom line investment or price. You need to always start at the higher level.
Or you give them and you give them a bundle and instead of one service.
Next buy five sessions get one free. You cannot doesn’t buy two software get one from.
So that is why as a series of plan you must. Put some buffer for this particular hard negotiations.
So what’s worth what is your.
Favorite person I know it’s pretty.
One to tell you.
A lot more.
Of the.
Entire process of working with them on the software thirty.
Five of my choice which was trying to know why.
And I don’t want to go I wait before you can we talk about the reality we talk about when we will go to a show you will talk to so many leads and you put it over to rhizome which when you call them first to cross-post so if you have that’s if you have the luxury of selecting between two different clients is great but if you have the luxury if you don’t have this luxury and you are in contact over four or in show or whatever with somebody asking for more discount and there’s only one in front of you first of all you must not have said. You must not dump them because if you upset some of them some what will happen to your petition don’t.
You’ll be surprised. So.
This is ours or that the verbiage and the and it’s after you took clause I’ve no clause like here we have a few examples of how to close people but it’s up to you to close it no close
or try to raise in prices. To be able.
The right.
Right spring where.
We will we will talk about there are sixteen types there are sixteen types of there are sixteen types of customers which is.
Solely nine times of customer which I would outspent you on in the next session one certain exceptions are certain. Who did not select one yet.
Marianne and
were given each one chance to select one.
Which is what’s number.
One on the phone.
I haven’t enough time so this means.
That. This means I am busy.
You better not to not waste my time. That kind of objection usually means a client is busy and that’s gets a lot of serious call if it’s really not personally but most serious people clicking this way majority of people say I don’t have enough time will come from here
majority of people who say I don’t have budget will come from here.
I don’t really understand what your business do what you are or what you provide it comes from here.
Average tells people it I will be quick as as as possible then make excuse for the call the minute you make an excuse for the call the managers are out.
Because you’re doing something wrong if you say sorry. I am sorry to call you on this in your busy time get out
rushed into the bench and gets rejection when salespeople rushed in some way it’s sense a closure message that they are not important therefore not worth dealing with them
so many of us early on in our small business career we always rush into showing how would we are. And the audience will feel.
You are not certain you don’t have the pace. Is Nicosia.
And if this doesn’t make sense you guys try to go to events and Visa customers. And look ask any of the exhibitors you’ll get this feeling because almost all of them such and almost all of them suck and when you advise them such a session they say oh we are busy. Keep going keep doing what you do and next year you’ll be where you are.
So one answer as and I want to waste a moment of your time.
I don’t say I’m sorry I say I apologize because sorry is one of the other words you see when you.
As a matter of fact if you say if you are caught by border security agencies because you are doing something or you have something wrong in your bag or whatever and you say I am sorry a story is a measure of guilt.
In court of law sorry for additional It is a mission of guilt apologizing is not an admission of guilt.
I’m not sure for you I speak sir English is my sort of language I hate what’s missing OK.
I apologize when this week would be more convenient to call to a call how would Friday afternoon for you three or four pm.
When you ask for a time you ask for a time with a day. Not you ask to call next week because next week is an open seven days or five business days and you can book a cold or a meeting
OK so you have the luxury or the option of developing one of these to serve the sort of started saying I want I am or C. of your time.
So it’s good you don’t want to waste your time is great and the more important that you can talk to me understand all clients make time for the right serious conversation sorry for the key here is to maintain composure and differentiate your call as being Warsi of the playing time and sure you take control of your pace tone and pitch
because if you start to talk fast or you start to hire what will happen
you would start to give bad. And that Reflections on the client. Why is this work their initial acknowledgement is enough for most client take responsibility as a client repeat the objection certain times for conversation using different closing techniques
OK. And this will lead to one question. When do you know that this objection is real. For sure we deal with eighty percent of the people dog to have the right we didn’t always was eighty twenty old. So when you say no the and mean no means eighty percent of the time no means a deflection of something else when we say so if you understand this is this perception of this concept. The question now would be is. When do you know there’s a customer really don’t have budget.
There is an expert in sales and they said it’s a customer or depleted at least three times in the same conversation this means that this is one of the B. is that it flags that they may really have.
Serious you have to consider. They say if I don’t have budget notes or I don’t have budget No I cannot afford this or we cannot afford this it means us you have to stop and the various evaluates the financial viability of this customer because he may be going on a bankruptcy if his company or he may be going in a.
He maybe it really doesn’t have so many objections as a front doesn’t mean saying when he she was second time and you cannot overcome it and it can certainly has worked
it means history.
So when somebody all of the learning I said is it it was eighty percent of the time we work. And we hope to make in this eighty percent of find more money but there are some situations are some situations people don’t have money somebody under. Governments are poor or somebody on their company’s going bankruptcy already one is a company is in the receiver in receivership situation. They don’t have money.
You can say shift this discussion and ask when the new budget will be are located why you don’t have really any slush fund you I’m willing to help you to be an OK so these questions are basically to explore exist clients really really don’t have much but if any objections come three times in a row.
Shift your mind as this object might be.
Serious it should a lot of my fly I’d like I’ve bought with your brain as a flag that you need to discover you discover you’re interested because we when we call someone or when we need someone we know they can’t afford doing this business OK.
Last one we have we have one more to go.
Yeah I love this one.
OK so before the fourth one fish seventy five was a problem when somebody need to talk to somebody.
To see.
How many times you were how many times you speak to the people next of finances.
And my.
This serious I says I did to them and some other system and says this is his assumption is wrong because anybody making decisions is influenced by other people so what is the problem with somebody when you assess someone and he wants to talk someone else.
What is a main problem. If you’re. Right.
Yeah what the problem is getting most of
the prophecy said one I want to find the good offices. We understand people. As. Reason for. The.
Individual And there are those who knows which is good and this after the side my book is a guide to when there’s a foreshock there in the.
So a brand I will talk about the logic we talk about how do you think a heart will talk about work.
How do you feel and what is the feet will be able to.
Process and as this.
Process said also that’s the higher level. Bosses would be in this domain.
Wise presidents and lower would be.
Project managers in this room and.
I remember two million a minute but just this is from business oriented so Vice President project managers what he will deal about how to manage the process so that process oriented people and they deliver on time.
OK see all of the companies are budget oriented as they want to live on top.
Business owner it cares about the money how spent and the ones that are of investment will happen it doesn’t get out of the process.
So if I want to move across of the gate keeper I am basically getting two different. Individuals.
To carry the same message. For me when I stand here and say What do you say how do you feel and what you do about this this is one question it touches a sink or touches a feeler. Or the one on our money and a single because you want to single out something and ask her for one hundred million dollars You said I want to think about this only in a single now but when I talk about that I talk about sinkers talk about feelers and how do you do about the talk about people who are at business bookkeepers accountants. Programmers.
In general is this is a generally anybody who would stick in this particular like this guy Bill so many businesses you know process oriented.
And he can deliver on time.
Within a budget I know he’s not always going to his son school sing today which means he has some family relationship but then the covers appear for this what I know what my immediately from the background he said. Because the prophecy said and the whole sense of prophecy because it’s so weird knowledge to know that no see also in North America ninety percent ninety seven percent or minus five percent of C. or even management are in this domain
zero percent. From C. All those are here they cannot if they care more about people they will not be able to manage the projects they’re not able to manage the companies.
So now you try to get someone. Who taught this language
to talk to somebody who speaks different languages
you have riff.
Of Manchester.
If you object let me know I love LOVE YOU are.
Now for money I’m Michelle it works in the same way because my health has our clients
are having this problem.
So if I talk to the spouse. She has to keep this stuff this spouse is most likely is what. Is this area.
This poses what.
So you want to make your clients feeling good about your service they don’t care about your classroom. Schedule. All was they want to feel about is a body is bloody well.
It’s not it’s I have the schedule and this is what you want or. These people care about is experience.
So when she would want to house them and tell him why honey I’m going to new course and I want a couple of hundred bucks to spend our on it’s awesome course to say OK so what’s what’s a benefit you get from oh I don’t know but I know it’s awesome.
How many of your client tells her as a result of their spouses or I don’t know whether or not work and awesome how it works I don’t know I feel awesome I get it you know. So the problem you try to overcome away from the script and whatever happened or what I was struck is you must have the material to hand then to this client so for us when we saw it from the stage was his great if you want to sell if you want to have discussion you can put a deposit you can go home with the material discuss it with your with your husband as a partner and come back and then you wait it’s a hundred percent refund that was in the first week when Yeah I do have one hundred percent refund refund and I have to either find somebody after more than three months in the form.
Just for for meditation so when you define someone. That’s why I need to have money back guarantee. Because I have a money back I wanted was a a week or within a month and make them what way was the material open that after I did it so he will subscribe they need to have but to have to take it back when you be on the stage you need to give the material.
Or you need to image that material.
So in order to serve someone I say I have to be part of this restaurant and you know what I will talk to them and say only thank you have them become a staff and walk away and your business partner your business for is not sufficient you need to have.
OK so you need to make sure that’s your material is able to close a sale was that what you want a sizable. Majority of us in the US and want to start businesses we don’t have user money we’re going to have user guide was I would come later on have a single fact sheet about our software which I said.
The only one who are allowed to do this is up and.
They said. No what is and what don’t we cannot be up on the cable there’s only one of you and he went on.
I love you I love your laugh so that’s why you remember so.
So let’s just see how we are what does it mean I need to speak to the other decision maker. The client means I need more time to decide. I lie to you about being the decision making
I’m not the decision maker so inside your cells or questionnaire if you ask if you are really like we come Bordley and I ask are you decision making or use are one who can approve the purchase.
And if somebody will come later on and say you know what.
I need to talk to others be a decision making it means.
He is not
this is a pretty good abjection for a client as a sales people just don’t know what to say to do it if it is true then what can you do if he’s not how can you call a client a liar
so you think this guy is a liar liar pants on fire you try to push to expose or persuade pliant.
A good answer that’s fine it’s a certainly a corrosion that’s an important investment like this one is fully supported by the family or fully supported. In order that I can give you all the support you need and answer any questions as May. Like to ask a few questions tell me how many hours or how many other what.
Beautiful tell me what is the decision process. Tell me what as a material do you need tell me again I join in on a phone call
would you like to schedule a meeting so I can come in person and the other is there call a question and demonstrate the projects will you be interested into a live demonstration will you be interested in a free trial to your spouse or your partner as well so she can not only know about the program but she can feel how would it
be so all of this different.
Mechanism is two hundred an object is basically not to hundreds of Jackson is to provide this people from talking to each other
if you remember your partner’s or your actual whatever you have and how many you went into. And fill Imogen discussions.
Because you want something and she wants something else and you also if you cannot get really communicate to have an agreement it’s because of this decision making.
And believe me like I teach this and our conflict resolution.
And this is how I came off for lots of conflict in my recent years when I learned this I in one of them at Cal a shift figure out why the other objects as our cause as our perceptions is there and try to hide that so it’s nothing about me.
It’s nothing about anything either it’s all about how they see me.
So I sense about a star will think how do I get this moving again understand whatever the truth is here important thing is to rebuild our border and again trust and agree on a way forward if there is a hidden objects in the cell superstar will find. This work because it respects the client position everyone likes support questions about the others in for a smoke out hidden objects sions and the hacking and their decision making or strategies it’s true that there are this other decision making then you can get start to construct an action plan so no matter yourselves this complex or or you believe is not complex your sales are very complex because if you some personal service there are her brothers and sisters her daughters her grandma and her mom and her and her spouse everybody
need to know about your service.
So this is why you need to have our site this is why you need to have a marking material that’s why you need to have a Facebook page that’s why you need to have in it to be social media because if you open someone you’ll business and you cannot close where this guy will go to will go. Will buy from you all gone by the time and if you believe you have no combatant or sorry dear you have no business because any service worldwide is based on human need and any service or any product must have an alternative way.
For people to do it.
Like other such as a funny as a sound if you are selling grinder you know that lines are like magic bullets what’s the alternative for magic bullets.
Is your point somebody can get the food and the crash was a.
Is the knife is the other blenders. So what you say I have a solution which is nobody else have this is not true when you say I have a product which is nobody else so what about it you have no market because you are not serving any.
And sometimes alternative all this stuff which you can not believe it like.
When I was in our workshop like that and this was the questions. Everybody knows magic bullet a very high end blender and a grinder very cost very very very reasonably cause for it’s what can do and what are the alternatives. The alternative basically is to crush. Fruits and vegetables with your hands. Knife is another alternative having two storms is another alternative.
So you have to understand if you can not get people. And if you give them a solution and you cannot close this people will be easy to get after. Your competitors who are building you can buy the other.
Business not you but. Make sense. As this is and as you.
Hear each one has an option of getting one. With this one from
you one of only one.
Yes Or there are lots of others and.
So you want to have like five minutes brick general can continue.
To go unless.
You have your back to you if you don’t.
If that.
Would have. The right to know exactly.
So what you’re saying.
Not her.
Decision making on.
You but you believe now that I have a brain.
Because of innocence like getting out of ourselves.