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Rich and Poor

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Welcome to. The ultimate.
It’s always a question.
Are we poor or are we rich or was the difference between the rich and the poor. Is the function of how much money do you have in the bank. And. There are so many people who have money in the bank however as I don’t feel very much.
If I want to start with an example like if I give you a will a hundred thousand dollars make you rich or with a million dollars will make your age or will ten million dollars makes you each.
If you have a million dollar and you don’t have the right attitude. To feel rich and to act as a rich you will feel poor. There are so many examples around you where you have friends you have.
Individuals neighborhoods were people having houses cars.
And big numbers in the bank investment and they feel poor. They feel they want to be very church so it’s always a question like What is. The distinction between the rich and the poor.
The rich it’s a function of attitude so the rich people will have goals were set down and goals poor they will never have plans or save is not right the goals down so they go by the flow if I reach at it you would start with writing goals and you write them down the very first step is you would want your exam down and you will look for ways and opportunities to achieve and write your goal.
That number eight. In the list of rich versus poor will be are you looking for an opportunity rich people they look for opportunities. Feeling great it makes you something called Cool and they look for opportunity.
And when you look for a portion of the as a rich attitude you will look for ways. And you look for how you make this opportunity works for you.
Richmond tell it were late use jump on any possible opportunity the very first opportunity will come to you you will jump on it on the other hand poor will always find a way. To walk away from Opportunity one good.
Example of how the poor attitude will dominate is when you say well you try to find why this opportunity will not work to give you an example like Let’s talk about rich examples attitude versus poor attitude by example so if we give you an opportunity to go to meet.
With a celebrity and we say let’s give you this opportunity and say let’s assume this event this has cost you no money. Just you goes in and attend so people say oh you know what there will be a long lines this event will be very well attended I will not find a close parking lot I will find. Long lines are you serious this celebrity would be in there.
However if somebody was rich attitude will jump on the opportunity OK let’s go check it out let’s to get a bus let’s go by train so you look at it in a while somebody is going by train because they don’t want to ask the question about parking lot and. Just walk from the train station to the venue to meet this particular celebrity on the other hand the poor guy will say OK I have a car and drive my car I want to park downtown I want to go to this venue if it’s an immediate demonstration of how what it should look for an opportunity to grow or to meet somebody versus a poor who will not find it so many times when we invite individuals to workshops or seminars. They say oh you know what it will not work this guys will be safety they will just say last they said our stuff which will not work without even examining it out there people will go.
With open mind and say let’s look at if they have an opportunity for me and then they evaluate.
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Number seven.
Attitude of friction versus poor rich have large libraries they always have contact they have information access however is a poor attitude will not appreciate libraries will not appreciate contact they only have a very large T.V. in their.
Living room and they watch this T.V. I’m not saying that rich people should not have a T.V. you may have a T.V. one or two or three or four. The amount of time you sit in front of the T.V. not getting information in but just watching the show was shows and different.
Places to just let the time Best Buy It’s a complete different attitude of a poor guy who wants just to lose time however on that side they have libraries so you may have a T.V. as a poor as a rich individual however this T.V. will be equipped with libraries and information which help you grow or help. Your business will have to sell to grow.
That number have.
Some six number six.
Differentiation between rich and poor is rich will continue to learn.
They will continue to apply what they learn so our rich mentality will always be looking for information and looking for opportunities and look and they do have the large libraries where you they withdraw this information from as I try to match the opportunity on the other hand the poor people only know how to earn so they look at earning and how much they make Brouwer as the decision or the great area so they don’t take actions to learn and develop themselves.
In number five.
Rich people will trade money for time so rich people will buy.
Services which will save them time. On the other hand poor mentality will trade time to money and when you trade month time for money you will basically work hard. On an hourly rate so if I ask a question if you have an opportunity to hire someone to do the job. Will you hire him or not.
And usually people will say we don’t afford it so if you get somebody expert to do something which she want to do.
Any any any function. For sure an expert who is doing it on a daily basis.
He will do it in a shorter time then you will start to learn how you do things. And then you do it and when you do it you will not be effective you are NOT be efficient and once you are not effective and not efficient you spend more time trying to save a little bit of money.
However if you come up with the money upfront. And you give it to someone this expert will take it and save you the time and you can achieve more stuff in the same amount of time because this particular tasks are paid for and done by somebody who will not take the long time as you are to know to learn.
And this is one of the main differentiation when you approach someone and say here’s the service I can do it for you I’ve been doing it for others it will cost you that much they say oh you know what I can do it myself.
And they spent time trying to do it to save a little bit of money and they spent a long time and they do it wrong and they don’t buy the stick it comes to a story which is always an example here there is a factory working and this factory in suddenly has a problem and they could not get the production to sustain the level. So the owner of the factory cola called few individuals so one guy came in and said you know what I will say I will can fix it for you it will cost you one hundred thousand dollars plus parts.
So the owners ask how long would it take you.
To fix it the guy said in a couple of hours.
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Or maybe less.
So he looked at him and said hundred thousand dollars for a couple of hours.
Then I said yes it did not take me a couple of hours to learn what to fix.
It takes me years I learned this over a lifetime experience for me so what you are paying for it is not the work is learning I took and I apply as experiment I have and every time I failed before and I coming back right now and trying to do it and learn how to do it and that’s why I can do it for you for two hours like I said No no I don’t need that I will find other solutions and then he starts this owner to bring other people who claims are experts come to him and say yeah yes fix this powers they actually exist part and the manufacturing line did not work it always have this defect defective outcome where nobody was able to fix so after one month when this production line was not working and this owner was paying all the salaries for every single employee here he called up the other guy and said you know what the very first one said you know what I’m now ready to pay one hundred thousand dollars he said sorry sir now my rate is two hundred fifty.
The owner said oh you know I have no other choice you have to come and fix it because I’m losing revenue I’m losing income and the same time I’m assuming all these expenses So this expert came in and said you know now we have a different deal because all the other individuals you brought in before me taking the job they actually make the problem worse and worse they wasted your time they change wrong things they make a system much more so at the end of the day this particular factory was able to the owner was able to fix his factory for close to half a million dollars.
And the factory start to work in a couple of days. So if I am the owner and I know the value of being out of work and paying all of this extra expenses.
Measured may consider early on to make the plays or money. To trade money for time not to trade time for money.
Number for differentiation between rich and poor as.
Rich will take steps forward when they are afraid when the other one concert and they don’t know they start to move forward.
There isn’t for you this is.
Urge people will always feel comfort they also feel they have a plan and the backup plan they have a way to go so if you if you maintain the original telethon. And you try to push yourself forward the more you are afraid the more the unknown are the more the.
Opportunity will.
Raise itself in front of you and you don’t know what you are getting into it you will move inside this opportunity on the other hand the poor I will run away in the face of fear the poor attitude will not late you know go in.
And experiment experience what.
The opportunity yes here are afraid you will always have a fear you always say it will not worth.
However it can work if you have the right set up.
Rich people will invest for the future.
So when the rich guy will have the attitude of investing in the future he will join programs he will try Who will he will spend today investment money not Coast money because he can see in the future the revenue which can be built.
On the other hand poor people will spend for the day so a poor attitude. We’ll get and count how much we spend today and they will never consider their revenue or return of investment coming in the future. Because they don’t have the mentality after.
Considering the outcome coming they always look at how much money it costs them not what the money invested what money they invest as this will drive a very interesting example like if we look at education for example in any university how much you invest in your kids to get educated and if you understand the stand education correctly when you invest.
You will be looking for a return of investment so if you want to do our M.B.A. or a master in business administration. You will invest close to one hundred thousand dollars and after two years of the series of working on the end your M.B.A. you will be looking for a better position which will pay back the money.
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However poor attitude will say oh no or one hundred thousand dollars Why do a cost me hundreds of dollars today.
If I have this hundred thousand dollars I will not spend it because I cannot see that return of investment in the future so if someone will offer to you a five thousand dollar program ten thousand dollar program where it can demonstrate that you can use this knowledge and only use this knowledge you can make more money in the future they’re each people invest however the poor people will look at the money as a cost. That second.
Differentiation between rich people. And poor people is rich people are disciplined about time they understand the value of the time they understand how to use their time because as the very beginning we talk about writing goals down looking for opportunity having libraries trade money for time and they take steps forward when they are afraid they invest in the future they are always disciplined about the time they know how much their time was. They don’t do stuff where you can hire experts doing it in a shorter time because when you get it done it will help you making a better investment for the future so why do you spend your time doing stuff where somebody else can do it on the other hand the poor people don’t waste time.
And we all get into a debate like what do you mean was wasting time like if I go to the grain or I would so I would door activities and said and meditate. It was doing time.
The answer to you is how you use it if you use your time to meditate or to take actions to be a better person to try to act and help people around you or try to enjoy to feel yourself up to talk go to your next chapter of your your knee you are very cautious about your time but when you just spend your time in front of your large T.V..
To just kill the time do you have ever decide that you want to do substitute just kill time. This is what we call it Wisting time so as I reach attitude we never kill the time we always find a use for the time. The last and the very first differentiation between rich people and poor people.
Is Rich people will have mentors will ask for guidance will try to learn from their men. Experience.
How to take advantage and don’t spend too much time doing stings which is people other people figure thousands they can move forward the poor people will try to figure out for themselves like they do do it yourself how many of us can can do it for themselves it’s a big question and I have to ask you one question in media question when you try when you look at your car and your car has an issue when you fix it or you take it to the mechanic to fix it you just do you do your own oil change you know that that is easiest job on maintaining a car is to to change oil. To do an early change. When you try to figure it yourself or you give it to an oil change place where they change your oil.
Definitely many of us are on the ridge side they will just go leaves our car go to work and come back and base the barrels for an oil change we don’t get ourselves into changing the oil ourselves and to be honest if you look at You Tube or any of this video information you’ll find out that changing out is very simple in your car and you can actually do it but why wouldn’t do it because we don’t want to figure out our salvage just it does not worth our time we have we can make some more useful use of our time by just giving somebody else to change OUR got our car or oil so we don’t have to do it so they’re rich attitude again is a poor attitude is what discriminate and what say if you are rich or poor to summarize it there are nine differentiations between the rich and poor rich sure right goes down I would advise each one of you to take a sheet of paper spend. Five minutes and just writes three goals.
Writes three goals of today Rice three goals for the week right three goals for the year right three goals for the month and.
Figure out ways how to achieve your goals they each People are always on the look for opportunities and they grab this opportunities and they take advantage of.
Which people usually have labors. And they look for libel is not lost Stevie’s.
Rich people they will continue to Lord they trade money to for time they take steps when they are afraid they invest for the future and they are very disciplined about time and they always have mentors who they learn from their mentors how to move forward my advice to you if doesn’t matter how much money you have in the bank look and adopt. A rich attitude and you will make a change in your life I will leave you with this word and I feel like this episode play subscribe ins about cast and listen to the other material I have overs are you are always welcome to send me feedback is our on my website or on. The comment line be underneath my bot cast and have a good day.
Thank you for listening